Social Media
What is SM, web base and mobile tech meet in the middle to create interactive dialogue
Facebook, twitter, linked in and youtube-- become chain of info
Individuals in the impact zone start to mobilize and upload info valuable to 1st responders aid agencies and others who need that info in an event. And you can be a part of that. Social media empowers the public to be a participant in an interactive way.
Social Media sites provides the platform for that information
Crowdsourcing is the platform that aggregates the data on social media
It allows 1st responders to see the data in 3 dimensional ways on a map
And it also empowers them to respond more effectively by staging resources quicker. The faster the information gets into the map, the quicker they can stage/response.
In a survey by the American Red Cross, the three things taken when someone leaves during a disaster , is their keys, their cell phone and money. Aid agencies and first responders and others just getting into the social media arena.
For aid agency and 1st responders its important for you to know, its not a fad. Its here to stay
On facebook there are 500 million users, on Twitter 100 million users. And on Twitter 80% of the users are viewing that information on their
mobile devices..thats why these social platforms become the pulse point of what happens in a disaster.
Monitoring and listening to that information during the event becomes something critical for 1st
Responders and aid agencies. And allowing the public to access this information in a format they can read is critical as well.
When we go back to traditional media. Radio grew to 50 million users in 38 yrs. TV grew to 50 million users in 13 years. In Facebook they added 100 million users in 9 months. Immediately follow the earthquake in Japan 500k users were added to Twitter alone.
Things you can do in advance
Monitor your website, make sure its update
Launch your own crowd map and do a drill
How does the map work, how do you engage sms, email twitter --
Situation awareness has its risks -- diff individ diff hashtags -- challenges
Officials may get it wrong or individuals.. practice patiences
There are other tools online that can help you modify the tweet such as tweak the tweet
In creating the map understand cateogories
Don't create too many
Define the Goals and identify the chain of information - They need actionable info -- make sure categories do this effectively.
Becoming a curator -- or a participant there are different things you can do today
When an event happens what info do you collect?
Pay attention to what you are told by local gov't officials of what info is needed
Photos may include Infrastructure damage, hospital, bridge whats the status of the hwy near you, can you take a photo and upload -- do you see a problem of an instruct
Upload it..and geolocate it on the map -- and locate it properly
1st responders and agency mobilize -- use this.. it helps them
Being accurate curators of an event is important
Some get it wrong -- info gets checked
Sometimes the map organizer needs to confirm it -- make sure you provide contact info so we can reach you. Objective is safe lives -- so don't risk yours trying to curate information. Limit any unnecessary travel. If you see 2 maps emerge -- combine forces, it will save resources and create a better solution.
The tech is here to stay and the actions you take today -- could save someone's life
Understand how -- and remember if it is a test -- put it in your message
Whether you are a first responder, or aid agency -- practice..we need to get it right
There are things you should keep in mind in advance, how does the map work. How do you engage with SMS, there are different ways to report the media. Research it now to understand how it can help in your own
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